Water Pipe Steam Boilers are used by the plants which need high capacity and pressure. It is not appropriate to use Flame-Smoke Pipe Boilers for the needs over 30 t/h, 20 Atu capacity and pressure. For that reason, the needs exceeding such capacity may be met with The Water Pipe Boilers.

Design of the water pipe boilers are formed by the membrane walls became tight by welding metal sheet and plate lined up vertically between the two drums. There is a combustion room within the boiler and the periphery of the room is resistant to the burning pressure. Energy transfer is enabled to the heating surfaces by convection and radiating light in the burning chamber and gas channels. Water is collected in the upper drum vaporizing in the pipe sections. The level controls, water feeding entrance, surface bluf system, safety vents and the necessary outflow flanges have been designed on the upper drum.

The Water Pipe Boilers may be designed to run with the Solid, Fluid and Gas fuels.

Advantages of use of the Water Pipe Boilers;

Water Pipe Boilers are highly efficient. They may reach up to 95% of the efficiency if designed appropriately.
The boiler is consisted of water chamber, pipe and drums. System may be operated under high pressures as it does not contain high volume of water and explosion risk is relatively low,
III. Water pipe boilers have capability of producing steam rapidly. Thus, they can meet high flow and pressure values constantly and without any difficulty.

Economic lives are quite long when appropriately operated used water in required features.
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