- WRAPPED FRACTIONAL HORSE POWER (FHP) & CLASSIC V BELTS Standard; DIN 2215, ISO 4183, ISO 4184, Profiles; 3L, A/13-4L, B/17-5L, 20, C/22, 25, D/32, E/40, Z/10 available on different circumferences. Application; General Industrial Drives & V-Flat Drives, Length Designations; Li in Inches as Inside circumference.
- WRAPPED KEVLAR® CORD CLASSIC V BELTS, Standard; DIN 2215, ISO 4183, ISO 4184, Profiles; AK/13-4LK, BK/17-5LK, 20K, CK/22, 25K, DK/32, EK/40, available on different circumferences. Kevlar® cord inserted instead of Polyester cords , Application; Heavy Industrial Drives & V-Flat heavy Drives, stone crushers, etc.. Length Designations; Li in Inches as Inside circumference.
- CLASSIC COGGED V BELTS Standard; IS 2494, ISO 4183, ISO 4184, BS-3790 Profiles; AX/13, BX/17, CX/22, ZX/10 available on different circumferences. Application; Drives with very small pulley diameters, high tempratures, high speed & high level of power transmission, Length Designations; Li in Inches as Inside circumference.
- WRAPPED METRIC WEDGE V BELTS, Standard; BS 3790, Profiles; SPZ, SPA, SPB, SPC available on different circumferences. Application; General Engineering & Industrial Drives, Length Designations; Lw(Lp) in mm as nominal circumference.
- KEVLAR® CORD WRAPPED METRIC WEDGE V BELTS, Standard; BS 3790, Profiles; KSPZ, KSPA, KSPB, KSPC available on different circumferences. Kevlar® cord inserted instead of Polyester cords ,Application; Heavy Industrial Drives & V-Flat heavy Drives, stone crushers, etc.., Length Designations; Lw(Lp) in mm as nominal circumference.
- USA TYPE WRAPPED WEDGE V BELTS ,Standard; RMA IP-22, Profiles; 3V, 5V, 8V available on different circumferences. Applications; General Engineering & Industrial Drives, Length Designation; Belt No./10 La as Outside Circumference in Inches.
- USA TYPE COGGED WEDGE V BELTS, Standard; RMA IP-22, Profiles; 3VX, 5VX 8VX available on different circumferences. Applications; General Engineering & Industrial Drives, Length Designation; Belt No./10 La as Outside Circumference in Inches.
- USA TYPE KEVLAR® CORD WRAPPED WEDGE V BELTS, Standard; RMA IP-22, Profiles; 3VK, 5VK, 8VK available on different circumferences. Kevlar® cord inserted instead of Polyester cords Applications; Heavy Industrial Drives & V-Flat heavy Drives, stone crushers, Oil Rigs, etc.., Length Designation; Belt No./10 La as Outside Circumference in Inches.
- METRIC COGGED WEDGE V BELTS, Standard; BS 3790, Profiles; XPZ, XPA, XPB, XPC available on different circumferences. Application; Drives with very small pulley diameters, high tempratures, high speed & high level of power transmission, Length Designations; Lw(Lp) in mm as nominal circumference.
- HEXAGONAL DOUBLE SIDED V BELTS, Standard; IS 11038, RMA IP-21, ISO 5289 Profiles; AA, BB, CC available on different circumferences. Application; Industrial and agricultural Drives., drives with multiple pulleys and Rice Mills, Length Designations; Li in inches as inside circumference.
- VARIABLE SPEED COGGED V BELTS, Standard; IS 11038, RMA IP-21, ISO 5289 Profiles; Variable speed sections see on our related page all available sizes and different circumferences. Application; Industrial and agricultural Drives., Speed changing drives-Machine tools, Harvester combine, textile and Printing machines,.
- KEVLAR® CORD VARIABLESPEED COGGED V BELTS, Standard; IS 11038, RMA IP-21, ISO 5289 Profiles; Variable speed sections with Kevlar® cords inserted instead of polyester, see on our related page all available sizes and different circumferences. Application; Industrial and agricultural Drives., Speed changing drives-Machine tools, Harvester combine, textile and Printing machines,.