Hot oil generators are manufactured for high temperatures consuption of the plants.Boilers are designed as vertical an horizontal.Generator body is St37 steel sheet and generator pipes are in compliance with DIN 17175 and DIN 2448.Production of the hot oil generators are done upto DIN 4754 norms.

Expansion Tank

This tank compansates the volumetric changes of the therminal oil upto change of operation temperature diffrences of the system.It is connected directly to the suction line of the boiler circulating pumps.Thermal oil system level safety control is done on this tank.

Main Reserve Tank

It is located as a staorage tank for thermal oil emergency discharge or filing of the system.

Filling Pump

Is is used for Filling of the thermal oil system and it is connected to the main reserve tanl.Also it can be connected to the thermal oil systemfor discharging works.

Circulating Pump

It is the part of the thermal oil system that determines the capacity of the boiler and effects the operation conditions of the system.With the appropriate design bot oil boiler and the overall systems life goes longer.


Water and the thermal oil gases in the thermal oil circulating system, which occurs upto the operation temparetures and the life of the oil is taken out from this units.For the healthy operation of the thermal oil system the controls and the application point of this units are very important.


Thermal conductivity of the thermal oils are higher than the other fluids.
Can be operated with higher temperatures under low pressure
Heat transfer oil has no need to treatment systems but it needs to be controlled with specication anlaysis.
Heat transfer oil has no corrosion effect with proper operation
With mineral based heat tranfes oils the operation temperature can be max 320 C
Heat transfer oils has long life upto its operation temperatures and conditions and have very low losses
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